PRELUDE TO AN ALLISION Titanic's Fatal Encounter Revisited by Samuel Halpern |
CONTENTS Foreword by J. Kent Layton Preface Prologue Chapter I. Warning, After Warning, After Warning Chapter II. “You Nevertheless Do Take Necessary Precautions” Chapter III. The Man At The Wheel Chapter IV. A Man On An Errand Chapter V. The Men In The Nest Chapter VI. Haze, Sea Smoke, And Mirages Chapter VII. Claims And Misunderstandings Chapter VIII. The Problematic Accounts Of Joseph Boxhall Chapter IX. Under Port Helm After She Struck Chapter X. “It Might Have Been A Few Minutes” Chapter XI. Putting All The Pieces Together Chapter XII. Ships Don’t Turn Like Motor Cars Chapter XIII. A Calculated Action? Appendix A. What If Titanic Had Struck Head-On? Appendix B. She Met More Than A Two-Compartment Standard Appendix C. Sidestepping An Iceberg Acknowledgement Index |
It has long been held that there was little or no time to react when an iceberg suddenly loomed up directly ahead of Titanic at 11:40pm, Sunday night, April 14th 1912. The accepted story is that as soon as the lookouts rang a warning bell 3 times, indicating something sighted ahead, the Officer of the Watch acted almost instinctively by ordering the helm be put hard over to starboard, and rang down full-astern on the engine-order telegraphs in a frantic effort to avoid striking this massive iceberg in their path. Did it really happen that way? Was there no time to react? This book takes an in-depth look of what took place that night leading up to Titanic's fatal encounter with the iceberg. It explores the warnings that were given to those who were in charge of the vessel, the options that were available to them but not taken, and examines the whereabouts and movements of all the major players involved. In addition, using what we know about the ship's turning dynamics, as well as the time it would take to perform certain tasks that were taken, we are able to analyze the events and actions that we were told about. The result is the development of a detailed and realistic second-by-second timeline of the events that took place from the moment the iceberg was sighted, and call into question some of the details told to us by certain eyewitnesses, some of whom gave conflicting and sometimes inconsistent accounts that simply do not hold up when all the evidence is considered. We now have better insight as to what most likely occurred during that short period of time, and what would have happened if certain actions were taken a little sooner, or a little later, than they actually were. |